February 20, 2020 9:00 am
College Station, TX
Click Here
To Download The First Call
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To Download The Flyer
Click Here for Registration and Abstract Submission
The 55th annual meeting will be hosted by the Microscopy and Imaging Center at Texas A&M University, College Station from February 20th – 22nd, 2020. Several workshops are scheduled on Thursday (20th), while the scientific program with platform and poster presentations is scheduled on Friday (21st). There is also a social reception on Thursday at 7 p.m. (location: TBA) and a vendor exhibition on Friday.
Registration for the meeting in College Station will open on 10/1/2019. Early-registration (until 02/03/2020) and membership will be $35 for students, $125 for regular members, and $300 for corporate members (plus 3% processing fee).
Application for travel support for students will be available during registration. Presenting students (poster or oral presentation) who live more than 50 miles away from the venue will receive $200, while student who live within 50 miles of the venue will receive $50. After 02/03/2020 registration fee plus membership will be $150 for regular members and $50 for students.
Workshops – February 20, 2020
1.) Cryogenic techniques for biological sample preparation (sponsored by Leica)
2.) Applications of Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and EDS for analysis of materials (sponsored by Tescan)
Location: Microscopy and Imaging Center
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Date and Time: February 20, 2020 from 9a.m. – 4.00p.m.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided
Each workshop is offered twice (9-12 and 1-4). Please register by sending choices of workshops and time to:
Dr. Stan Vitha
Invited Speakers (February 21, 2020)
Life Sciences: Dr. Raimund Ober, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Materials Sciences: Dr. Ilke Arslan, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL
Hotel for the Meeting with Special Group Rate
Hilton College Station and Conference Center
801 University Drive East
College Station, Texas, 77840-2116, USA
Phone: 979-693-7500
email: TBA
Double Room with two separated double beds: $ 99 (TSM group rate)
Important Dates
October 1, 2019: First call.
December 2, 2019: Second call.
January 13, 2020: Final call.
January 20, 2020: Abstract submission deadline.
January 29, 2020: Hotel reservation deadline.
February 3, 2020: Early registration deadline.
PLATFORM PRESENTATIONS will be scheduled for 12 minutes (students) or 17 minutes (all others), with an additional 3 minutes for questions on either Friday or Saturday morning. Please, prepare your presentation using PowerPoint and bring it to the meeting on either a flash drive or CD.
POSTER PRESENTATIONS: Posters will be displayed on poster boards measuring 45” by 45”.