Texas Journal of Microscopy – Author Instructions
The format of original papers should follow the guidelines below:
Title Page
Materials and Methods
Figure and Table Legends
Title Page: The following information should be listed on the title page:
1. Title of paper
2. Short running title
3. Author(s) names including initials
4. Department(s) and institutions where work was done
5. Full name and address including zip code and e-mail address of the corresponding author
6. Acknowledgement of grants or other support.
7. A list of up to five words for indexing purposes
Abstract: Should be concise and describe clearly the research presented in the paper.
Introduction: Should provide the aims and a general description of the work presented.
Materials and Methods: Concise listing of the materials (including suppliers) and protocols used in specimen preparation.
Results: This section should provide data, both micrographs and numerical, on the specimens which were imaged. Do not embed figures (micrographs) or tables in the text. These should be submitted as separate files. Figure and table legends should be included in the text immediately following the references.
Discussion: The data presented in the Results section should be analyzed in relation to the aims listed in the Introduction.
Conclusion: This should briefly summarize the contents of the paper and relate the results to the initial hypothesis or experimental aims.
References: References should be cited in the text with the author(s) name and the year of the publication. (Ellis, 2006) or (Ellis et al., 2010)
References to journals: Ellis, E. A., McEachern, G. R., Clark, S. and Cobb, B. G., 2010. Ultrastructure of pit membrane dissolution and movement of Xylella fastidiosa through pit membranes in petioles of Vitis vinifera. Botany 88:596-600.
References to books: Ellis, E. A. and Grant, M. B. 2002. Cytochemical localization of H2O2 in biological tissues. In: Armstrong, D., ed. Methods in ultrastructural and molecular biology protocols. Chapter 1:3-12. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.
Figures must be submitted in tiff format:
· 1200 dpi (dots per inch) for black and white line art (simple bar graphs, charts)
· 600 dpi for combination half-tones (photographs with line art or thin lines)
· 300 dpi for halftones (black and white photographs)
Manuscripts should be submitted in a PC format (preferably Microsoft Word).