Texas Journal of Microscopy – Review Process
All manuscripts must be submitted through email to the managing editor:
Dr. Catalina Pislariu
Department of Biology
Texas Woman’s University
Denton, TX 76204-5799
Phone (940) 898-4611
Email: cpislariu@twu.edu
The managing editor will confirm the receipt of the manuscript and will forward it to a suitable member of the editorial board. The corresponding editor will then send the manuscript to 2-3 specialists in the field who will review the manuscript. Based on the comments from these reviewers, the corresponding editor will send its recommendation to the managing editor who will decide on the acceptance of the manuscript. Manuscripts will either be accepted without corrections, accepted with corrections, or declined. After acceptance the authors will receive proofs and need to return them within 2 weeks to the managing editor. The manuscript will then be published digitally in pdf-format on the webpage and printed in the next edition of the Texas Journal of Microscopy.